
1st Album [Ei Ei O]

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4/22発売!Allegiance Reignによる1stアルバム「Ei Ei O」。ご予約承り中!


1. Warcry ~開戦~
2. A Signal Fire of Battle ~合戦の狼煙~
3. Ei Ei O ~勝鬨~
4. Allegiance Sword ~忠義の刀~
5. Marching Warriors ~いざ、参ろうぞ~
6. A Chance Meeting and Farewell ~邂逅と惜別~
7. Samurais Procession ~武者行列~
8. All Fades ~褪せゆく記憶~
9. Funeral of a Comrade ~戦友の弔い~
10. Determination ~研磨~
11. Heaps of Bodies and Streams of Blood, Fierce Battle ~屍山血河~
12. End of a Journey ~終幕~




戦国バトルメタル、Allegiance Reign による、初の長編合戦組曲がここに完成!Twilight Force などで活躍するアレサンドロ・コンティ氏もゲスト参戦。さぁ、刀を握り共に勝鬨をあげようぞ!えい、えい、おー!!

国産バトルメタルの確立を目指し立ち上がったAllegiance Reign。重厚なシンフォニックサウンドに散りばめられた泣きの旋律、そして合戦場を駆け巡るかの如く疾走する楽曲は、戦国を懸命に生きた武士の魂そのものである。今、日ノ本から新たなメタルの歴史が動き出す。

Released on April 22! 1st album "Ei Ei O" by Allegiance Reign. Now accepting reservations!

[Official Market / Original Benefits]
・ Original postcard
* The benefits are on a first-come, first-served basis, and will end as soon as they are exhausted. Please be forewarned.

[Song name]
1. Warcry ~Kaisen~
2. A Signal Fire of Battle ~kassen-no-Noroshi~
3. Ei Ei O ~Kachidoki~
4. Allegiance Sword ~Chugi-no-Katana~
5. Marching Warriors ~Iza、mairouzo~
6. A Chance Meeting and Farewell ~Kaikou-to-Sekibetsu~
7. Samurais Procession ~Musha-Gyoretsu~
8. All Fades ~Aseyuku-Kioku~
9. Funeral of a Comrade ~Senyu-no-Tomurai~
10. Determination ~Kenma~
11. Heaps of Bodies and Streams of Blood, Fierce Battle ~Shizanketsuga~
12. End of a Journey ~Syumaku~

12 songs in total



Sengoku Battle Metal, Allegiance Reign has completed the first full-featured battle suite!
Alessandro Conti, who is active in the Twilight Force and others, also participated as a guest. Let's hold Katana and win together! Ei, EI, O !!

Allegiance Reign was launched with the aim of establishing Japanese battle metal. The lyrical melody interspersed with a profound symphonic sound, and the song that sprints through the battlefield are the soul of a samurai who lived hard in the Warring States. Now, a new metal history starts to move from Hinomoto.

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¥2,970 税込
