1st EP [A Signal Fire of Battle]
¥1,500 税込
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2018/09/02発売!Allegiance Reignによる2ndEP「A Signal Fire of Battle」。
1. Prologue
2. A Signal Fire of Battle
3. A Chance Meeting and Farewell
4. Heaps of Bodies and Streams of Blood, Fierce Battle
Released on September 2, 2018!
2nd EP "A Signal Fire of Battle" by Allegiance Reign.
Show your loyalty to Sengoku Battle Metal !!
A complete battle suite created by further polishing the sword from the previous work is completed !!
Overture ~ A Signal Fire of Battle full of dashing feeling, a lonely military song with a percussive instrumental sound, a long symphony with profound and dramatic development. Now, wake up your samurai soul that has slept for 500 years and gather at the battlefield together with the signal of the burning fire !!
[Song name]
1. Prologue
2. A Signal Fire of Battle
3. A Chance Meeting and Farewell
4. Heaps of Bodies and Streams of Blood, Fierce Battle
All 4 songs
¥1,500 税込